Savor Life
Roughly two thousand years ago, people were waiting for a messiah, someone they thought would liberate them and bring freedom from oppressors. Few would recognize that the baby Jesus born on Christmas Eve was sent to bring life and peace – the true freedom their souls really desired. Many missed it entirely.
I pray you know it.
Because so many people still don’t today. I know because it was me for many years too.
We’re too busy, frantically rushing. We’re focused on things like:
- doing all the things and trying to keep up
- gaining people’s approval
- earning more money for a better house, better car, better countertops, etc
- climbing the ladder for more power and a better position
- focusing on our size and appearance
- getting more “stuff;” and
- being busy to look important
For a time, the world deceived me into thinking “all that” would satisfy and bring contentment. But it was and still is completely wrong and increasingly even more so.
I’m so thankful through God’s grace and mercy over some life-changing years of learning what really matters (still working at this) that he’s been breaking those chains in me to reveal true life.
Do you want to see it too? To know and savor real life?
You’ve got to look at that baby born roughly two thousand years ago and his life on Earth to understand. He didn’t come to give us our fleshly desires in our current life situation but to restore our connection to God. To help break sin’s hold on our lives and restore peace with our loving Father Immanuel, God with us.
When we truly get that, and receive His love, we experience surrender and find His peace – that is when we will truly live.
Throughout scripture, Jesus steers us to life with Him with these reminders:
“As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever feeds on me, he also will live because of me.” John 6:57
Feed on Jesus = Living
“Whoever hears my word and believes in Him who sent me has eternal life.” John 5:24
Hear God’s word + Believing Jesus = Eternal Life
“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6
Jesus = Life

And that is the key that I missed for so many years even though I “knew” Jesus. It’s not just asking Jesus into our hearts so we can live forever in heaven.
Life is really believing and surrendering to Jesus now while we live on Earth…..knowing Him and walking with Him in this lifetime so we can truly savor life according to God’s design…even as works in progress - knowing Jesus a little more each day - not perfect as the garden of Eden but far better off than the world’s way of thinking where simply put, we live for ourselves.
When we make that switch, we know life, and we will live when
We do what matters (more below)*
We grow more gentle and humble like Jesus
We surrender and let the Holy Spirit guide and grow the fruits of the spirit in us
We desire to know God more and share Him with others
We see the so-called little things of life matter more than the worldly things of life
We Fill with God and Feel His Joy!
On this Christmas Eve and beyond, I’m praying for you friend to know that Jesus = life.
Do you want to know life?
Don’t follow the world. Savor life. Follow Jesus.
* Doing what matters has changed for me in recent years. It means loving God and loving those around me better through the power of the Holy Spirit not my own natural way because I fail way too often on my own with my pile of weaknesses. Doing what matters is me pausing to look into little faces, rolling with so many interruptions, and resting more, seeing our kids grow to love learning, seeing our littlest lady, now two years old, bring a baby Jesus her sister crocheted with great delight and carry him around in her pocket, singing Jesus loves me, learning the ABCs, and comforting others like she likes to be comforted. It means seeing progress, not perfection, in how we handle conflict and how we treat each other.
I know that for you too, as you make the switch to understanding and living in a way that Jesus=life, you will see the change in yourself and others around you. And, the time and effort you put in on this is so worth it!