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Do You Want to See Jesus?

You're my daughter. I've called you by name and you are mine. Hurry to see me as I am seeking you.

My youngest practices her Zs like for Zacchaeus

Have you heard the story of Zacchaeus or heard that song about the wee little man?

You know, that little guy, who wanted to see Jesus?

I’d share the song here but bet it would be stuck in your head for the day like it is now in mine.

So, moving right along to what Jesus shared with me recently as I opened to Luke 19 (in the Bible Recap) plan.

I saw Zacchaeus in me, and I wonder if he’s in you too?

Are you searching for something like what really matters in life? If so, you may be really be looking for Jesus.

Zacchaeus likely had “it” all at least what the world considered to be all…wealth and possessions as a tax collector.

But his curiosity drew him to want to see Jesus because I think down deep he knew he needed what really matters in life…as with you and me….a connection and relationship with God our Father which comes only through knowing Jesus.

So he was drawn to see Jesus. Even climbing a tree because he couldn't see around the taller people blocking his view.

Maybe your curiosity to see Jesus is brand new for you, friend.

Or, maybe you’re already assured a spot in heaven because at some spot you believed and admitted you’re a sinner who wanted to follow Jesus. 

But have you wandered back to the old way a bit or become distracted or disconnected by life in this world? The busy-ness, the stuff, work, power/position, or money? It’s so consuming and pulls us away from seeing what matters as I know too well. 

But deep down, you’re there, wanting to see Jesus because nothing else really satisfies. You’re lost in a way. You want rest. You want Him. You want to see Jesus. Like Zacchaeus.

Luke 19:3 says, “And he was seeking to see who Jesus was….”  

It could say, “she was seeking to see who Jesus was.” 

Because you are. There’s a longing starting or growing or because Jesus is calling you.

He is tugging your heart. Getting you ready for when he says to you, “(Insert name), hurry and come down, for I must stay at your house today.” 

He’s calling you by name. And saying, hurry to me. I want to stay with you. I want you to know me. I love who you are, and I love who you’re becoming as you know me

You’re my daughter

“I have called you by name. You are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28-30

Jesus is seeking you as you are seeking him. Do you hear his call? Will you follow Him?

It may feel hard. But it's the start of freedom 

If you disconnect from the pull of this world and slow down all of that “stuff,” you can hurry to what matters. You can hurry to know Jesus, and, “Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!” 1 Chronicles 16:11

That really is the only type of hurrying I care for these days. Slowing down the world's way and hurrying to Jesus to savor life.

Through the ups, downs, and uncertainty of these days, just seek to see and know Jesus. 

He’s looking for you.

He’s calling to you

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10

1 comentário

Eliana Russell
Eliana Russell
29 de nov. de 2024


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